60 All Posters

Demonstrera För Socialism Och Arbetarmakt Poster Product Link
Sweden c. 1960
11 x 8 in (28 x 20 cm)

Honor Shock-Workers, Heroes of Labor! ✓ Product Link
Czechoslovakia, C. 1915
25 x 20 in (64 x 51 cm)

Join the prosperity team, be a voluntary worker or saver in National Savings Product Link
Britain, C. 1945
20 x 30 in (51 x 76 cm)

Faites Travailler Vos Billets de Banque - En Souscrivant Aux Bons D'Épargne Product Link
France, C. 1940
25 x 31 in (64 x 79 cm)

Maró Folyadékot Hanem Igy, Bontsd Ki Ne Igy Baleset Ellen Vedekezz! Product Link
Hungary, C. 1935
25 x 19 in (64 x 48 cm)

Pracujici Mladez Oslavuje Vyroci Rijnove Revoluce ✓ Product Link
Czech, C. 1935
24 x 16 in (61 x 41 cm)

Wanted - Fighting Dollars. Make Ever Pay-Day Bond-Day. United States Defense Bonds-Stamps. Product Link
USA, 1944
14 x 10 in (36 x 25 cm)

"Im building the ships we need to win!" U.S. Maritime Commission. Product Link
USA, 1944
7 x 10 in (18 x 25 cm)

Gioventu Fascista Magazine - March 1932, Vol. 7 ✓ Product Link
Italy, C. 1936